
Blockchain Co.


                   After many years in development and many requests, BC now released to public and it's completely easy to use.We have spent many hours for work to this software. And now we get the software that can generate bitcoin everyday.BC was first used only by handful people and now we are releasing it to public."That means that with the more feedback and help we will be able to improve the software much better and make it even more amazing".

                                               WHAT IS BITCOIN GENERATOR ?

             Bitcoin generator is a software, that will help you earn Bitcoins without having to invest thousands of dollars in mining equipment or buying Bitcoins. Bitcoins are "mined" by special devices designed for that purpose. The problem is, that those devices costs a lot of money and the electricity usage is very high, so that's another expense to keep in mind. Therefore not everyone can get Bitcoins through mining.

              But since we believe in Bitcoin, we wanted that everyone has a chance to earn Bitcoins, and that's when BC was born. With BC everyone can generate Bitcoins without having to invest thousands in mining equipment. Simply download our Bitcoin generator and let it generate Bitcoins for you.